Great Idea!
Free up space on your Mac’s backup drive
Even though Time Machine automatically deletes your oldest backups as new ones are created, eventually your backup may be too large for the backup disk. At this time, you need to manually delete some of your older Time Machine restore points. You can do this either through Finder, or the Time Machine app.
Here are the steps using Time Machine, which is the best method since it is faster.
1. With your Time Machine drive connected, click its menu bar icon and choose Enter Time Machine. (If you don’t see the icon, go to System Preferences > Time Machine and check the box for Show Time Machine in menu bar.)
2. Navigate to the backup you want to delete, click the gear icon button and select Delete Backup. (Alternatively, you can right-click within the Finder window for a backup in Time Machine and select Delete Backup.)
3. Click OK to confirm you want to permanently remove the selected backup.
4. Enter your system password when asked.
5. Click Cancel to exit Time Machine and delete the backup.
Tip of the month
The Edge browser
Still confused about browsers? They are free software used to interpret html language and make a website look good and readable. Popular browsers are Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Firefox. Most are available for both Windows and iOS.
Focusing on Edge, here are some popular extensions (add-ons for a browser) .
1. Adblock Plus – You install it and the extension starts blocking ads. If you ever want to stop it from working on a certain site, just click on the icon, and then click Enabled on this site from the drop-down menu to undo that action.
2. Save to Pocket – Pocket is a popular read-it-later service, available free for Android and iOS. Once the extension is installed, click on the icon to sign in. Next, just browse the web as you normally would, and when you come across an article you’d like to save, click the icon to stash it in your read-it-later list.
3. Microsoft Translator – When you land on a page in a foreign language, click the Translator icon to the far right of the URL address bar, and in a few seconds you’ll be reading a rough machine translation of the page.
To add extensions in Edge, click on the 3 dots at the top right of the window and choose Extensions.