It is important to occasionally check your spam folder as legitimate emails may show up there. If you read the fine print on many emails, they strongly suggest you put their address in your contact list to insure you receive them. But there are also things you can do to try and keep the spam from invading your mail. Here are a couple of those tricks: Train your filter –
When you find spam in your inbox, don’t just delete it. Select it, and tell your mail client that this particular message is spam. How you do this depends on your the program you are using to read your emails. For instance, if you’re using Gmail’s website, click the Report spam button in the toolbar (the icon looks like an exclamation point inside a stop sign). If you are using Outlook, right click on the email and choose “Junk” – “Block Sender”.
You also need to train the client about your false positives. Go through your spam folder looking for messages that don’t belong there. When you find one, select it and tell the client that it made a mistake. In Gmail, you click the Not spam button. Never respond to spam- If you recognize something as spam before you open it, don’t open it. If you open it and then realize it’s spam, close it. Do not click a link or a button, or download a file, from a message that you even remotely suspect is spam.If you opened a spam because it appeared to be coming from a friend or co-worker, contact them immediately and let them know that their account has been compromised.
Tip of the month
Hidden iOS gestures
Save draft in Mail -Sometimes when you are composing an email message, you need to refer back to a message in your inbox. To move the draft you are currently writing out of the way, just swipe down and it will sit at the bottom edge of your screen. Tap it again to bring it back up.
Return to thumbnails in Photos – When you are viewing a photo in the Photos app, you can hit the button in the upper-left corner to return to the thumbnail view of the photo’s album or collection. On a larger-screen iPhone, however, reaching for that button can be difficult when operating in one-hand mode. A easier way to return to the thumbnail view is simply to swipe down on the photo.
Move a calendar event – Plans change, and when they do, you need not bother with all the tapping and swiping with opening up a calendar event and adjusting its date and time. Instead, you can drag an event to a new time or day from the day view of the Calendar app. To move an event, tap and hold it and drag it up or down to a new time on the current day or drag it to the left or right to move it to another day.